Soineko Paisaia / Dorsal Landscape 2009-2015
Gipuzkoako ehun burutik gorako artaldeen zintzarri hotsen artxibo bat da. Artzaintzaren inguruan argitaratu diren lanak ugariak izanik ere, entzumenean arreta jarri duten lanak urriak dira. Soinu paisaiaren ehuntzean artzaintzak duen eragina agerian jarriz, antropologiaren diziplina eduki berriz hornitu duen egitasmoa da hau. Soinuaren izaera lurrunak hizkuntzaren egitura zurrunekin topo egiten duenean ekologiari antzemateko material berriak sortzen dira. Haiei erreparatuz, naturaren mintzetatik gizakiaren mintzairetara goaz, zurrundu ezinik, beti lurrun den giroan.
Soineko Paisaia / Dorsal Landscape 2009-2016
is an archive
of the bell sounds produced by the flocks of more than one hundred head of sheep in Gipuzkoa. Even though numerous works have been published on the subject of shepherding, there are few that focus on
the audio aspect. By revealing the influence that shepherding has had
on the weaving of the Sound Landscape, this project will provide the discipline of anthropology with new content. When the misty nature of sound collides with the rigid frameworks of language, new materials are created to deal with ecology. When focussing on them we move from the membranes of nature to human forms of speech in an atmosphere that is always misty and incapable of becoming rigid.
Nader Koochaki Izenburua:
Soineko Paisaia / Dorsal Landscape 2009-2015 Urtea:
2016 Argitaletxea:
autoekoiztua Ale-kopurua:
270 zenbakituak Edukia:
3 LP, kartografia, egilearen hitzaurrea eta Usue Arrieta, Vicente Vazquez eta Iñaki Martinez de Albenizen testuak: 139 artalde fitxa, inbentario aurkibdeak, zabalgarria... Neurriak:
32cm x 67cm x 3,7cm Babesleak:
Eusko Jaurlaritza, Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, Audiolab, Bulegoa z/b, Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, Gordailua, Goierri Eskola, Tractora ISBN:
Nader Koochaki Title:
Soineko Paisaia / Dorsal Landscape 2009-2015 Year:
2016 Editorial:
self-published Copies:
270. Numbered edition. Contents:
3 LP (12” Heavy Black / 180gr
/ 33rpm), hard sleeves, cartography, Introduction & Factsheets booklet, Indexes booklet, collaboration texts booklet with texts written by Usue Arrieta & Vicente Vázquez and Iñaki Martinez de Albeniz, Folded poster... 92 pages in total. Medidas:
32cm x 32cm x 3,7cm Produced with the aid of:
Basque Government, Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Audiolab, Bulegoa z/b, Aranzadi Society
of Sciences, Gordailua, Goierri Eskola, Tractora. ISBN:
Dossier PDF
Dossier PDF